Friday, August 20, 2010

Streetview, Dobbs Style.

If you don't use a picture organizer on your computer, I highly recommend it. I use Google's free picture manager, Picasa, which allows me to see every photo I have stored on my computer regardless of what illogical place I have saved it. It also gives me the chance to look through years worth of photos without opening one single shoe box or album. As I browsed my pictures this evening, some patterns emerged: Roads, sky, and flowers. I already knew there would be lots of pictures of Amy and Goldie (that goes without saying), but I was surprised at how often my camera found these three themes.

Roads represent a journey - and I find that irresistible. They tell a story and promise new adventures. This is one of the reasons we really do enjoy driving vacations. The journey, the process of getting there, is as much a part of the adventure as is the destination. There's a mystery, too. Where does the road go? What's back there behind the trees, or those rocks? What is life like on this road - or what did it use to be like? Mark is especially susceptible to "exploring."  On our trip to Hawaii we headed down a coastal road with a quarter tank of gas and nearly found out a little more than we wanted to know about that remote road. We sometimes take out of the way roads, just to get off the big highway and enjoy the land a bit more. Stopping for a picnic by a stream is so much more fun than fries at Denny's! Our out of the way route this summer took us to the Kansas Wetlands Education Center - a great serendipitous find. Did you know that Kansas boasts 435,000 acres of wetlands? Who knew?

Every road offers a different mood - remote, dangerous, romantic, scenic, historic - even the everyday roads you travel have stories to tell and hold a promise in that elusive vanishing point. You just have to get off of auto-pilot and travel them with new eyes.

Next up: Skies!


Mark said...

The Road goes ever on and on
Out from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
Let others follow it who can!
Let them a journey new begin,
But I at last with weary feet
Will turn towards the lighted inn,
My evening-rest and sleep to meet.
- Bilbo Bagins

My Blog List

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