Sunday, July 3, 2011

The power of a snap

It is a sad time here at the Dobbs' house. On Friday, we had to say goodbye to our beloved Goldie. Eighteen months ago she was diagnosed with a slow growing cancer, and we were sure the end was coming. But she stayed fairly symptom free and happy until earlier this year. Then she began having more trouble with arthritis, and her heart began to be enlarged. Her eyes were clouded with cataracts and she was almost completely deaf. Still her life was very good. She ate (lived to eat, actually), loved to greet us when we got home (although she now often slept through our arrival), and love to take walks (shorter and slower but begged for nonetheless). Our Goldie aged gracefully, for the most part. Her face was completely white, but she was still a strikingly beautiful dog. As she aged she lost all inhibition when it came to trash cans, or raiding the pantry, and she had no problem at all barking at us to get what she wanted. She was almost 15.

On Friday she ran across the yard as she always did - to bark at passing kids - and injured her back leg. She could not put any pressure on it at all. I carried her inside, and we drove to the vet, her head in Amy's lap. She had torn a ligament on one of her back legs, completely disabling it. The injury that would require surgery to fix; a surgery she could not survive. Her age and her arthritis wouldn't let her manage on three legs, even if  her heart would have held out. We also knew that in the last few days her lungs had begun to fill with the fluid that marks true congestive heart failure. As much as we'd prepared, as much as we'd known it was coming, we weren't prepared in one hour's time to hear that it was the end. And it definitely was. The three of us cried and told her goodbye as the doctor injected her leg and she drifted quickly to sleep. It was wrenching.

There is such a fine line between life and death. One moment she was living, breathing, connecting, loving and the next all that is left is the shell. We drove home without a word. Shocked. And so began the grieving process.

We are still very much in the  midst of the grieving for our Goldie. Little things stop us in our tracks - like not putting a dish on the floor for her to lick. Thinking we see her or hear her in the house. Coming down in the middle of the night and finding the downstairs empty and silent. Watching a movie without once pausing to let Goldie out. But one thing that has really helped us in these first days is our photos. Looking at the snapshots of her life makes us miss her, but they also make us smile and tell stories, and remember what a very wonderful thing our relationship with her was.

Her portrait, ball, and collar now have a special place on the family photo shelf and Amy and I are going through photo albums, digital files, and the many stories Amy wrote about her when she was young. All of these will go into a book about Goldie, along with each of our memories. But as much as we'll love having the book - it will really be the process of writing it and compiling it that will be the healing for us.

The dark side of grief would have us retreat, withdraw, and avoid the pain . . . but these images from our years with Goldie draw us out of that place. There's more pain but also more joy in remembering her life as we sort photos, tell stories, laugh, and cry. Together.  It helps us move beyond remembering the death, to remembering the life. And what an exuberant, passionate, energetic, fun, and loving life it was.

These fall photos were taken not long after we brought Goldie home.

Goldie loved to do anything that Amy did. For some reason Goldie was always trying to dig a hole through the bottom of the pool.
Goldie loved the snow, especially catching snowballs!
4H obedience class was not really a success, but Amy loved it.
Eagle Creek Park
Fresh from horseback riding lessons, 11 year old Amy is ready for a walk with Goldie.

No, she was not supposed to be up on the furniture, but she just looked so cute!

One of my favorite pictures: They both look so content and happy!

Goldie is pouting and being made to sit for the picture. She knows what suitcases are and packing for college felt ominous to her.

Fortunately, there were always joyous reunions!

In the last year, Goldie seemed to work extra hard at getting into trouble. It was a second puppyhood of misbehavior. Only now you couldn't train her out of it. Below - she was so intent on rummaging through the trashcan that she didn't even notice the trashcan lid around her neck. We walked down to find tissue on the floor, and a completely innocent looking dog with an incriminating necklace.

Goldie was never a fan of dressing up. She'd put up with it for only so long. Here is her signature long-suffering look.

We will never forget this smile and the spark that Goldie brought into our family!


Unknown said...

Your Blogs are always interesting

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