Sunday, November 7, 2010


Life has been busy this year. This last Thursday was the culmination of much of that busy-ness as our Friends of the Library team had our first large scale fundraiser. It was a success, but by the end, we were all completely worn out, and a nasty cold was slowing us down. 

I had time to crash for a one hour nap before dragging myself out of bed for our small group meeting a friend's house. Our friends live only 20 minutes from us, but you would think they were in the middle of nowhere. It was sunset, cold and windy, but I couldn't go inside. The fields, clouds, and sky were changing color by the minute and stopped me in my tracks. I didn't have my camera. An iphone does a very respectable job in a pinch, however. I just keep looking at this picture  - at the windswept beauty of these fields. At their bigness.

What is it about a moment like that? A moment that just instantly changes your perspective. The busy-ness fades and you slow down. Is it the bigness of the horizon? The constant and comforting routine of sunset and sunrise? Or the knowledge that all of our distractions really mean nothing in this larger picture. Somehow it's harder to gain perspective in the city. Why is that?

Take a drive. When we lived in Santa Barbara we could drive into the hills or along the coast. Here we have country fields and farms. In Los Angeles it was a little harder to get away, but it could be done. Get to the quiet. Find a vista that will give you perspective, and listen.


Bobbi said...

Makes me think of Ps. 46:10..."Be still and KNOW...that I AM GOD!" Great would make a good computer desktop shot...for those who can't get out of the city! *smiles*

Cheryl said...

It is already my desktop background and everytime I see it, I'm reminded. :)

My Blog List

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